Sunday 2 February 2014

YT-1300 engine decals

Like X-wing Miniatures and have a YT-1300? If you do but don't have the time to or gear to do a custom paint job on the engines then this may be for you.

I stumbled across the metal bikini's blog on just that very subject and he's blog is well worth reading if you're a fan of X-wing miniatures, there's loads of great tips and custom guides there from engines, game mats, asteroids assorts.

I liked his version of the YT-1300 engine decal, but I wanted to copy the engine from a pict I found of the Millennium Falcon, it looked great and my background in graphics and photoshop thought I'd give it go.

It took a bit of tweaking, measuring and adjusting colors after prints, but after a while I got there and I'm quite satisfied with the end result. I've attached a jpeg of the engine decals and all you need to do is print them out on 4x6 photo paper without boarders, I do have a caveat though which is all printers are different it may come out larger/smaller or a different color hue. The end result once trimmed out should look like something below and be 79mm in length.

Then with a credit card or similar you can tease the paper engine print into place, no glue is needed as it's a tight fit which is nice should you wish to reverse the decal at any point. I used gloss paper, but think matt may look better. If you try it out leave a comment with how it worked out for you. The YT-1300 engine deca sheet is below, just click on this engine graphic link it to download the full size version. 

I think that just about wraps it up. If you are part of NOVA Squadron on Facebook (which is an X-Wing Miniatures group based in North Carolina, Virgina, Maryland, Washington DC, West Virginia and Pennsylvania) contact me through the Facebook page and I'll bring my any extra decals I have to game meets which you can have.

Have fun and if you have and improvements or YT-1300 mods, please share them. Thanks


  1. [url=][img][/img][/url]
    [url=]how to do a screen shot[/url]

    Ive used 2 strips of reflective tape (dark and light blue) and then a thin light blue wash. Looks really good when the light hits it just right


    1. Hi Forensicus, thanks for your comment. Your links didn't work on your post, could you try them again as I'd really like to see what you did, sounds interesting.
